Alsafar Cleaning and Pest Control Services LLC is based on a comprehensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. The Goal of IPM is to deliver effective pest control while at the same time reducing the volume and toxicity of pesticides used.
What is Integrated Pest Management?
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a pest control strategy that uses an array of complementary methods. These methods could be: Legal, Mechanical, Physical, Genetic, Biological and Chemical.
These methods are done in three stages:
Simply integrated pest management is an environmental approach with a main goal of reducing pest infestations, along with significantly reducing or eliminating the use of pesticides.
What are the benefits of IPM?
1. Economic benefits
Potential for saving on pesticide costs:
Applying only when necessary
Lower application rates
Potential for higher value and / or increased marketability of the product / service
Consumers are more willing to utilize IPM based services
Consumers may be willing to pay more for IPM services
2. Environmental benefits
Reduces chances of environmental contamination and worker health problems by:
Potentially reducing the use of pesticides
Making full use of environmentally sound control measures
Controlling pests only when necessary
Using the lowest effective rate
Allowing for control by natural enemies
Reducing the chance of pests developing resistance to pesticides
3. Knowledge benefits
Allows the technician / specialist to determine the seriousness of the problem and take action when they deem necessary
Development of a greater understanding of pests and their control
Allows the technician / specialist to modify their pest’s management program to meet their specific needs for future planning
Principles Of IPM
Regular site monitoring is the cornerstone of IPM. Planned inspection, pest identification and pest monitoring devices are used to estimate pest levels. Mechanical methods are the first pest control options to use. There are numerous non-chemical and mechanical methods available to control rodents and insects. These include basic mouse and rat sprung traps, fly traps and sticky boards.
This is the checklist of strategies which discourage pests from entering your property:
Cleanliness: It is important to deny pests any source of food and water. Ensure food preparation areas and kitchens are kept clean and food is stored I sealed containers / cabinets or in refrigerators.
Restricting Entry: Pests can gain entry through small gaps. It is important these are repaired, seals on doors and windows are effective and screens are used when doors and windows are open.
Outside: Ensure rubbish is regularly placed in the garbage bins provided and that water doesn’t collect in the containers or outdoor areas. Denying pests any source of food and water is critical in a pest control program.
Professional Techniques: The use of specialized approved pest control chemicals is often necessary to control pests. However, with an effective integrated pest management program we can reduce the amount and frequency of chemicals used to control pests.
Chemical applications of synthetic pesticides are generally only used as required and often only at specific times in a pests’ life cycle. Some of the newer pesticide groups are derived from plants or naturally occurring substances, or from algae in oceans. Evaluation of the pest control strategies is the key to successfully maintaining an integrated pest management approach.